Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am not really sure what that means, but as I played with my hair (now I see why so many "white" girls twirled their hair), I noticed this springy action in my locks. And not just one, but like most of them have this going on.

I think that its a good sign. I have been noticing the changes in my hair lately, its getting more hard to the touch. I am just amazed at what happens when your hair is just left alone.

I don't have dandruff or itchiness anymore. I washed my hair at the two week mark (since my last re-tightening) and honestly, it really wasn't itchy or dirty, I just knew that with my schedule, I wouldn't have any other time to wash it. That braiding and banding (and clipping) business takes me like 2 hours!

Ever since I stopped diluting the shampoos, I feel like my hair is getting more clean and I see the obvious difference, I don't have flakes. I have noticed, ironically, that I have severe dryness the morning after the wash, but I know that that is a result of the starter shampoo. It really dries out my hair, so I just take a bit of ACV on a q-tip and place in that area, to at least get something on it. I have enough left for another shampoo, so I guess I'll have to buy some more (or just stick with my Suave Clarifying Shampoo!) I'll see what the wonderful KiKi says in a couple weeks.

I am loving my hair. Like seriously. I am loving the fact that I just get up and go and I am anxious for what the future holds. Time really does fly. You don't really notice how quick four weeks go buy until you look up and you have another re-tightening session. I'm thankful to God that He's chosen this path for me.

Till next time....


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's been a while...

I have been so busy with home and school and work that I just haven't had time to sit and blog.

There really isn't much to hair is just doing its thing I guess. Those edges just won't stay put at all, so I have some (like 3) that have unraveled, but that's cool.

In some ways I wish my hair was longer so that I can do more than just freestyle with it. But then again, over manipulation isn't good either so I think that's ok.

Gotta run now...the baby is whining....don't know why kids just won't go to sleep when they're sleepy LOL

Friday, January 8, 2010


School and work and home has been kicking my butt. Not to mention the cold I can't get rid of (and I know its cuz I need to rest)...which has left me too tired some days to blog. I have been wanting to provide updates for a while, but time just didn't allow me to, until now. The office is empty and quiet and I don't want to do any work right now. Its freaking cold outside (here in Chicago) and the snow is just taking over. I would have just stayed in bed, but...maybe I should have. So...I'm officially a month locked now! I got my re-tightening on the 2nd, a couple days shy of my official date of the 4th. I love not doing anything to my hair, no styling, curling, nothing. My hair is so short that freestyle looks good. I contemplated using some perm rods or curlers, but then it would look even shorter, and that's not cute. I am getting like the frizzy ends, so maybe I'll try something out when I wash next week. I am not experiencing any itchiness or anything...the last time I shampooed, which was right before my re tightening, I didn't dilute the shampoos that much...maybe not even 2 parts shampoo, 1 part water. I just put a little water in and shampooed. It truely made a difference, because now, seven days later, I still don't feel any itchiness. One thing I'm experiencing is flakes near my front hairline. I remember reading a blog in which a lady was experiencing the same thing and it was a result of the face lotion that she was using. Since reading that I make sure that the satin bonnet is still on my head when I put my face lotion on, so that it's nowhere near my hairline, but I seem to still be getting a lot of flakes in that area that are like intermingling with my locks. (dandruff being embedded in the lock). Don't know what else to do but spot clean with acv....I won't wash till another week from now, so we shall see how it goes. Other than my hair...I absolutely dislike my job. I am content in where God has me, yet I know that He has greater things to come. I have 11 months until my student teaching begins, so I'm just getting all my ducks in a row until then. We really want to move...we like where we live, but its so expensive. I really want a new car and we need to buy another car for the household. I know that once school is in order and my career changes, these types of decisions will be pretty easy, but now....(sigh). I would really like to just quit where I am and focus on my business, but I can't do that either working 9 to 6 and on saturdays. I just know that God is going to work it all out..... Till next time ppl!